Thursday, 12 July 2007

Fresh Starts and Do-overs

Yesterday was filled with lots of tidying, so....I now have a tidy work area. Its not perfect, I need more storage space and less furniture! The lovely Ironing Angel ,Poliana, came for two hours and rid me of the curse of the ironing pile. So that was a very good thing!And the talented Rosaleen came to perform miracles on my hair, which she never fails to do..and that was another very good thing because today I felt more feminine.
Today I was able to scrub and clean my tidy workspace so now it smells good too! My two good friends, Jackie and Patricia are coming to lunch so I've to get up early and fetch veggie stuff for them to eat.Saoirse is going to see "Annie" (her b'day pressie from Karen )and I've to pack a case for her and Eoghan 'cos they're going to Wexford for the week with Mam and Dad.I am looking forward to getting some scrapping done.Theres a craft demo on at Inspiring ideas on I might have to go just to check it you do...for research purposes!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

you have an iorning fairy? i want one!!! says the woman that has been copying you since you introduced me to all this!! ha ha. I just want some ont to iorn all my bed clothes